address validation FedEx vs UPS

Address Validation

Address validation is a process that ensures that the shipping address provided by a customer is accurate and complete. This is important because incorrect or incomplete shipping addresses can lead to delivery delays and additional costs in the form of address correction fees. Your shipment might need to be rerouted or returned to the sender.

FedEx vs UPS vs Independent 3rd Party Service Providers

Both FedEx and UPS offer address validation services to help ensure that the addresses you provide for shipments are accurate and deliverable. In addition, Address validation can also be performed through independent third-party services, which are not affiliated with specific shipping or delivery companies like FedEx or UPS. 

  • Can be used for both US domestic and international addresses
  • Is available through the FedEx Web Services API or through FedEx Ship Manager software
  • Can be used to verify the address, check for any missing or incorrect information, and suggest alternative addresses if necessary
  • Is available for US domestic addresses only
  • Can be accessed through the UPS API or through the UPS shipping software
  • Can be used to verify the address, check for any missing or incorrect information, and suggest alternative addresses if necessary
3rd Party Service Providers

These service providers typically provide address validation for a variety of countries and territories, and may offer a variety of options for integrating the service into your business processes.

There are several factors to consider when evaluating an independent address validation service provider:

  • Flexibility: Independent services may be more flexible than the address validation services offered by specific shipping companies, as they are not tied to any particular company or delivery network. This can make it easier to use the service with a variety of carriers and shipping options.

  • Comprehensive coverage: Independent services may offer address validation for a wider range of countries and territories, as they are not limited to specific regions or networks.

  • Customization: Independent services may offer more customization options, allowing you to tailor the service to your specific needs and requirements.

  • Cost: While FedEx and UPS offer this service for free to their customers, independent services will have additional subscription fees.

Piyovi TMS – Address Validation Feature

It is ideal to validate and correct address at the time of order entry itself (whether a customer service representative [CSR] is taking an order manually or a customer is placing an order online through web store). This enables customer to provide accurate address and avoid any delays during shipping or delivery. We facilitate address validation at master data creation, order creation, and/or shipment execution.

Through this feature, all the address details will be (when possible):

  1. Verified
  2. Standardized
  3. Corrected
  4. Checked for missing information
  6. Automatically select “Residential Delivery” if classified as RESIDENTIAL

Piyovi provides integration with FedEx, UPS, and/or your choice of independent service provider giving you the choice and flexibility to meet your business needs.

Would you like to see address validation in action with some real-life examples? 

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